Wise sayings
German version Hallo! Hi! Salut! (about Learning)
wise sayings |
Comment |
1. He who has created a picture of luck, will not recognize luck, if it crosses his way and does not match his picture. (?/Sven) |
Applies also to the " dream woman "? |
2. The true optimists are not convinced that everything will go well, but they are convinced that not everything can go wrong. (?/Tassilo) |
3. Each loved item is the center of paradise . (Novalis/woko) |
And what about humans? |
4. Happiness is not that you can do everything you want, but that you always want, what you do. (Tolstoi/woko) |
5. Each stroke, our rage causes, will hit us in the end. (W. Penn/woko) |
Hate eats you up and usually causes little trouble on the hated person's side. |
6. All cruelty rises from weakness . (Seneca/woko) |
7. It is better to often contradict oneself than often repeat oneself. (F. Bondy/woko) |
Everything changes, everything is flowing. Pantha rhei. |
8. Life is drawing without the correction option of the eraser. (O. Kokoschka/woko) |
or without the correction option of the PC keyboard |
9. History is almost only about bad people, who were spoken good of later on. (Nietzsche/woko) |
in general, "history" is only about the "big ones" and never the "small ones" |
10. Courage is often only a lack of insight, while the so- called cowardice is based on a distinct sense of facts. (Jouvenel/woko) |
11. You must act in such a way that your goal comes to meet you. (Th. Fontane/woko) |
likewise concerning cash, love, etc. |
12. People complain so much with every pain and are pleased so rarely, if they do not have any pain. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
positive things are accepted as a matter of fact; teachers usually mark only the errors, and rarely praise the correct and good passages |
13. Sincerity is probably the boldest form of bravery. (William S. Maugham/woko) |
Courage to the truth |
14. An apology is a good means to have the last word. (Peter E. Schumacher/woko) |
Admitting an error is difficult, it requires a high self-confidence |
15. You cannot throw habits out of the window. You must throw them down the stairs, step by step. (M. Twain/woko) |
Getting rid of a bad habit is a lengthy process |
16. Whoever travels even around the whole world, in order to look for the beautiful, will only find it, if he carries it in himself. (R. W. Emerson/woko) |
that also applies to joy, well-being, peace, etc. |
17. Beauty lies within the eye of the viewer. (?/woko) |
applies also to other things and sounds, much more beautiful than "... is matter of taste" |
18. The modest ones are terrible: they do not require, they do not grant, either (P. Hille/woko) |
he who cannot hate cannot love, either, what is really bad is being indifferent, uninterested? |
19. Each human can do everything - however must be ready for everything, as well. (A. Mahler Mahler-Werfel/woko) or: The secret of the being able is being willing. (G. Mazzini/woko) |
the basic principle of the "think positive" - movement; or: whoever says "I cannot" often means "I want not"; whoever says "I want" often means "I cannot" |
20. Everything that establishes peace for your life, is the most important thing existing. (A. McDowell/woko) |
21. Everything that one really has, is the Here and Now. The past is gone, and whatever there will bein the future , nobody knows. (TV/woko) |
22. To influence the quality of a day, that is the highest of all arts. (Thoreau/woko) |
23. Life is a journey - travel it well! (tourism advert/woko) |
24. Everyone is the smith of his luck. (German proverb) |
Engl: Everyone is the architect of his own future. |
25. Life is what you make it. (Songtitle/woko) |
26. Also the farthest way begins with the first step. (Postcard/woko) |
27. Forgetting and suppressing create rest, but no peace. (TV/woko) |
28. Only if you are interested in others, you are interesting for others. (Tips on learning languages/woko) |
29. Who asks, leads. (?/woko) |
30. One does not see scars of the soul. (booktitle/woko) |
31. Most humans are as happy, as they want to be. (A. Lincoln/woko) |
32. Remember that what pulls you to and fro like on invisible strings is hidden inside yourself. (M. Aurel/woko) |
look, how the old Romans already Freud-ed! There is actually never really anything completely new invented or discovered? It is at the most just a combination of a well-known matter? |
33. To be natural, is the most difficult pose one can take. (O. Wilde/woko) |
34. One acquires the feeling of health only by illness. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
35. That the world is bad, is a complaint, which is as old as history. (I. Kant/woko) |
36. Everything will be alright in the end, if it is not alright then it is not the end. (?/~Z~ from CDN) |
37. We are so used to pretend before others that we pretend at the end before ourselves. (La Rochefoucauld/woko) |
38. Everybody's friend is nobody's friend. (? /woko) |
One cannot please everybody ... Who has no "profile", makes himself suspicious, is mistrusted. |
39. Even a small person can change the run of the things. (from: Lord of the rings? /woko) |
a grain of sand in a transmission |
40. How much the use of force one adapts resembles what one is trying to fight ... (J. Fischer /woko) |
41. Terrorism lives not from the act, but from the reaction to it. (Darmstädter Echo/ woko) |
(nice online translation of "Darmstädter Echo", the local daily of Darmstadt: Intestine town-dweller echo) ! |
42. A person almost never becomes reasonable from reason. (Montesquieu/woko) |
43. Distraction is the pleasure of those who are afraid of themselves. (A. Pope/woko) |
44. Happy is the people whose history reads boringly. (Montesquieu/woko) |
45. It is absolutely possible that somebody has less intelligence, but more reason than us. (A. Strindberg/woko) |
46. Responsibility, this unloved sister of the freedom... (U. Böschemeyer/woko) or: Liberty means responsibility; that is the reason, why most humans are afraid of it. (G. B. Shaw/woko) |
rights and duties |
47. One is treated by others, as one wants to be treated. (Woko) |
every people has the government it deserves |
48. " She is a much better friend - she does not try to change you. " (TV film / woko) |
(she loves you the way you are); one cannot be one's partner's, a teacher cannot be his or her pupils' psychotherapist. |
49. From what do you actually want to distract, by drawing so much attention on this thing? (Woko) |
presenting one's car at the mandatory car inspection with a faulty exhaust system |
50. There is no second chance for the first impression. (TV film /woko) |
51. Illusions never change into something real. (Song / woko) |
maybe they should not anyway - otherwise they would easily become "disillusions" |
52. One cannot heal a patient, who considers himself healthy. (H. F. Amiel/woko) |
you can't heal a healthy person, either, who considers himself ill (with best regards from Moliere) |
53 Truths rank like the brilliants according to the number of their facets. (R. A. Schroeder/woko) |
54. Happiness is the state, in which one does not have a longing after modification. (L Rathenow/woko) |
55. One can close the eyes only before facts, but not before memories. (S. J. Lec/woko) |
56. An interesting soliloqui presuppose an intelligent partner. (H. G. Wells/woko) |
57. Prejudices die quite slowly, and one can never be sure never that they are really dead. (J. Romains/woko) |
58. Money, the master of all things, often knows how to make Yes out of No. (H. A. Abschatz/woko) |
59. Whatever is natural, never is dishonourable. (Euripides/woko) |
60. The understanding listener is the obstetrician of my thoughts. (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
61. The safest wealth is the poverty at needs. (F. Werfel/woko) or: One becomes rich only by the things, which one does not desire. (M. Ghandi/woko) |
62. We are not only responsible for what we do, but also for what we do not do. (Moliere/woko) |
63. Who considers himself too important for small functions, is mostly too small for important functions. (J. Tati/woko) |
64. Ideas are not responsible for what humans make from them . (W. Heisenberg/woko) |
65. The future is our shirt, but the present is our skin. (E. Ionesco/woko) |
66. A friend is one, in front of whom I am allowed to think loud. (R. Emerson/woko) |
67. Thoughts are speeches with oneself. (I. Kant/woko) |
68. Some are in favour of the truth, as long as the truth is in favour of them . (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
69. Our opponents are teachers, who do not cost us anything. (F. de Lesseps/woko) or: There is frequently good advice coming from your enemy. (Aristophanes/woko) |
70. Nothing is sadder than the death of an illusion. (A. Koestler/woko) |
71. Don't pray unless you believe God will answer. (?/shani) |
72. Be happy with what you have while working for what you want. (?/shani) |
73. Celebrate even small victories. (?/shani) |
74. Life's most treasured moments often come unannounced. (?/shani) |
75. Never marry someone in hope that they'll change. (?/shani) |
76. Believe in the unsaid, for the silence of men is nearer to truth than their words. (?/shani) |
77. The best vision is insight. (?/shani) |
78. Human rights begin in neighbourhood, school and workplaces where everyone seeks justice, opportunity and dignity. (?/shani) |
79. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and mis -guided men. (?/shani) |
80. When you see a good man, try to follow his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults. (?/shani) |
81. Three responses: - Let's make it happen. - It can't happen. - What happened?
Which is yours? (?/shani) |
82. What counts is how much you put into the hours, not the hours you put in. (?/shani) |
83. Coincidence is a word without sense. Nothing can exist without a cause. (Voltaire/woko) |
84. The more humans proceed according to plan, the more coincidence might hit them. (F. Duerrenmatt/woko) |
85. An idea is a stuck thought. (H. Bergson/woko) |
86. One does not live, if one does not live for something. (R. Walser/woko) *** |
87. Not your arguments convince; you convince. (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
88. How often one needs the opinion of the others, in order to have one's own. (A. Dumas/woko) |
89. One does not know, what enough is, before one knows, what more than enough is. (W. Blake/woko) |
90. Who tolerates being insulted deserves it. (Corneille/woko) |
91. Talent is a great gift, which lacks the courage to turn into a genius. (G. Depardieu/woko) |
92. In isolation one learns to listen to himself. (A. Schweitzer/woko) |
93. Humans do not stumble over mountains, but over mole hills. (Konfuzius/woko) |
94. Abhorrence of a thing has never been the key to its understanding. (H. v. Doderer/woko) |
95. One can convince humans only of their own opinions. (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
96. There is many religions, but only one moral. (J. Ruskin/woko) |
97. We are frightened of our own sins, if we see them on others. (Goethe/woko) |
98. The most beautiful thing in life is not fulfilment, but the expectation of fulfilment. (A. Magnani/woko) |
99. With his most precious property, time, humans deal most wastefully. (H. Laxness/woko) |
100. Happiness is at its peak, if humans are ready to be that which they are. (Erasmus/woko) |
101. It is foolish to treat luck in such a way as if one had a claim on it. (S. de Madariaga/woko) |
102. He who considers himself limited with insight, is next to perfection. (Goethe/woko) |
103. Some become shameful by large praise, the others impudent. (F. Nietzsche/woko) |
104. Force lives on the fact that it is not considered possible by decent people. (J. P. Sartre/woko) |
105. None is wise, who does not know the dark. (H. Hesse/woko) |
Is Hesse's dark the evil or the mental distress? |
106. He who lives without stupidities, is not so intelligent, as he believes. (La Rochefoucauld/woko) |
107. A man is old, if he wakes up in the morning without a desire. (E. Ferrari/woko) |
a man or any human? (false translation of "uomo"?) - or is it different with women? |
108. Children and clocks may not permanently be wound but one must also let them go. (Jean Paul/woko) |
109. Modesty is the only safe bait, if you fish for praise. (Ph. Chesterfield/woko) or: Rejecting praise means wishing to be praised twice. (La Rochefoucauld/woko) |
"fishing for compliments" |
110. He who does not have a future, talks about his past. (F. Luwein/woko) |
not only elder people, but also such, who are in a phase of separating, do that! |
111. One must take liberty oneself, it is not given to anyone. (M. Oppenheim/woko) |
112. Imaginary fear is ever larger than real fear. (T. Williams/woko) |
Psychologists differentiate between "fear" (real, e.g. of a lion) and "anxiety" (of something unreal, mentally exaggerated, imagined, also of fright itself!) |
113. One is mature if one does not trick oneself any longer. (H. von Doderer/woko) |
114. Usually only the loss instructs us about the value of things. (A. Schopenhauer/woko) |
applies also to humans! |
115. Humor comforts humans about what they are in reality. (A. Camus/woko) |
now, there are still many other comforters(however, at present - in view of the comedy show boom - humor - or whatever one regards as it - seems to be "in" ... |
116. Laziness is the hunger for duration, constancy and eternity. *** (H. Kersten/woko) |
117. Words are like X-rays, if one applies them correctly. (A. Huxley/woko) |
118. Make a people believe that it governs, and it can be governed. (W. Penn/woko) |
119. With most people memories of the past weaken the energy in the fight for the present and in the hope for the future. (M. Gorki/woko) |
120. Love is what remains, after the fire of falling in love went out. (Film:Pelagia/woko) |
121. Humans would like to be treated as subjects and treat others as objects. (G. Voltella/woko) |
122. If advertising is not successful, the commodity should be modified . (E. Faure/woko) |
123. The utmost luck of humans is the release of fear. (W. Rathenau/woko) |
or of anxiety |
124. Truth never hurts the one who speaks it. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
125. We all err, only everyone errs differently. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
126. By reason, however not by force one is to lead humans to the truth. (D. Diderot/woko) |
127. " The good old times " were the cause of the bad new one. (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
128. We are still in front of the door, behind which the great responses are waiting. (A. Miller/woko) |
129. Nothing is true without its opposite. (M. Walser/woko) |
130. When giving advice, try to help your friend, not, to please him. (Solon/woko) |
131. A public opinion poll among lions resulted in: The majority rejects the cage, however, requires a regulated food supply . (E. R. Hauschka/woko) |
132. One is young, as long as one can enjoy the delightful contrasts between the familiar and the unknown. (H. Nicolson/woko) |
133. We owe progress to the naggers. Content humans do not require modification. (H. G. Wells/woko) |
134. Among humans there are many more copies than originals. (P. Picassso/woko) |
135. It's always time humans get along worst. (B. Strauss/woko) |
that does not only refer to the unpunctual; but also to problems with scheduling, organization and above all making the most of one's time. Many humans live, as if they still had further back-up lives in their cabinet (as with some computer games) |
136. The more is permitted, the more boring the permitted becomes . (Th. Wilder/woko) |
or: "forbidden fruits taste sweetest" |
137. Empathy is the name for the gift not to judge others by oneself. (A. Malraux/woko) |
how often we judge others by ourselves(also with jealousy!); how often we set our yardsticks with others, also in world politics (e.g. human rights) |
138. Admiration is deeply cooled love. (F. Sagan/woko) |
139. One is beautiful only if one is human. (J. Anouilh/woko) |
140. Dissatisfied humans find no comfortable chair. (B. Franklin/woko) |
141. Pay attention to your thoughts - they will become words. (?/shanaya36) |
142. One must try the impossible, in order to achieve the possible. (Lord Byron/woko) |
143. It is bad to notice that one does not have friends, only if one is in need of friends. (Plutarch/woko) |
144. The life tatoos us, without us noticing it. (G. Greene/woko) |
145. Intelligence is the ability to accept one's environment. (W. Faulkner/woko) |
146. The worst with inferiority complexes is that the false people have them. (A. Delon/woko) |
(genuine) sensitivity is in proportion with intelligence? |
147. Love of life is more important than wealth. What are brilliants good for, which sparkle on a withered skin? (J. Greco/woko) |
148. Ideas are the muscles of the brain. (A. Moravia/woko) |
149. There are two types of mishap: our own bad luck and the luck of the others. (N. Paryla/woko) |
150. It is noble to be good. It is still nobler to teach others to be good. And easier. (M. Twain/woko) |
151. Roam in the crowd, so that isolation appeals to you again. (Plinius sen./woko) |
152. The desire is the dream of the waked. (R. Wiggins/woko) |
153. Civilization is movement, not state, is journey, not harbour. (A. J. Toynbee/woko) |
154. Vacation without cease would be a good training for the stay in hell. (G. B. Shaw/woko) |
155. Humans, who never have time, do least. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
156. Today is the first day of my remaining life. **(Film/Sticker/woko) |
157. The largest enemy of the right is the privilege. (M. v. Ebner Ebner-Eschenbach/woko) |
158. Which kind of customs are those, which are no more used, but must be maintained ! (H. Moser/woko) |
159. Determination: Stubbornness, which we approve of. (A. Pierce/woko) |
160. Few humans think, but want to decide all. (Friedrich d. Grosse/woko) |
161. The richer you are in judgements, the poorer you will be in prejudices. (H. Miller/woko) |
162. The desire is a will, which does not take itself quite seriously. (R. Musil/woko) |
163. Consider something impossible, and it will lead to it. (Th. Fuller/woko) |
164. He who wants to improve the world, can begin with himself right away. (Pearl S. Buck/woko) |
165. Humans are as tolerant, as they must; and as intolerant, as they may. (Ch. Tschopp/woko) |
166. The same way a well used day brings lucky sleep, a well used life brings a lucky death. (L. da Vinci/woko) or: Live life to the full. (?/shanaya69) or: How long I will live, does not depend on me. However, whether I really live, as long as I am, depends on me. (Seneca/woko) |
167. Most humans do not think with their reason, but with their desires and fears. (H. Laxness/woko) |
168. The genius walks through walls and gets sore spots at air. (A. Polgar/woko) |
169. Wise humans do not look for what is missing to them, but enjoy, what they have. (R. Smullyn/woko) |
170. Dead saints are adored, living ones are pursued. (E. Howe/woko) |
babel fish translation: Admired, those will become alive pursued the dead holy ones. |
171. There is nothing permanent except for modification. (Heraklit/woko) |
172. To travel with hope is better than to reach the destination. (R. L Stevenson/woko) |
or: ... to achieve the goal |
173. I always found the so called bad people win , if one gets them to know closer, and the good ones lose. (Lichtenberg/woko) |
174. In order to see clear, a change of the line of sight is often sufficient. (A. de Saint Saint-Exupery/woko) |
or: ... a change of the point of view |
175. Love the truth, but forgive mistakes. (Voltaire/woko) |
176. Trust those, who look for the truth, and distrust those, who found it. (A. Gide/woko) |
177. Luck is the most pleasant type of coincidence. (W. Mitsch/woko) |
178. Justice is right of the weaker one. (J. Joubert/woko) |
as a counterpart for the "right of the stronger one" |
179. Be in company of good humans carry, and you will become one of them. (Cervantes/woko) |
applies surely accordingly to bad company |
180. One must do always somewhat for the first time. (G. Stein/woko) |
181. Discussing with fanatics, is like playing rope pulling with an opposing crew, which bolted its rope end around a thick tree. (H. Kaspar/woko) |
cf: one cannot discuss with addicts (their addiction) |
182. A self-confident society can stand many fools. (J. Steinbeck/woko) |
cf: self-confident humans also stand fun about themselves |
183. Not what we see, however the way we see, determines the value of the seen things. (B. Pascal/woko) |
184. It is more difficult to modify one's opinion than to keep it. (F. Hebbel/woko) |
185. Everybody makes experiences, few learn from it. (Th. Wilder/woko) |
186. All revolutions have proved so far only one thing: i. e. that much can be modified, except for humans. (K. Marx/woko) |
187. Much in the world gets broken without any noise. **(J. Giraudoux/woko) |
188. That is the whole misery: The fools are that self- confident, and the clever ones that full of doubts. (B. Russell/woko) |
189. One must know the destination earlier than the course. (J. Paul/woko) |
190. The more modern humans depart from nature, the more they fancy it. (H. Laxness/woko) |
the more pets they keep?
and: it applies to other things, as well |
191. Nobody means only what he says, and only very few say, what they think. (G. Tabori/woko) |
192. A picture is a poem without words. (Cornificius/woko) |
193. He who knows others is scholarly, he who knows himself, is wise. (Laotse/woko) |
194. He who thinks about love, does not love any more. (A. v. Kotzebue/woko) |
195. The best reformers, the world has ever seen, are those, who start with themselves. (G. B. Shaw/woko) |
196. Each human welcomes progress, as if it was a drug, without thinking of the consequences. (K. Edschmidt/woko) |
197. Strength does not rise from physical force, but from an unbending will. (M. Ghandi/woko) |
198. He who makes known the fact that he guards a secret already half betrays it . (J. de la Bruyere/woko) |
199. In the longest peace humans do not speak so much nonsense and untruth as in the shortest war. (J. Paul/woko) |
200. When an aera is ripe for a change, no human power can prevent this change. (G. Marzini/woko) |
201. Nothing is believed as firmly as what we know to few. (M. de Montaigne/woko) |
202. Who does not run, never arrives at the target. (J.G.Herder/woko) |
203. By mental strength we can control that, which towers above us in physical. (anti-phons / woko) |
204. The strength is not missing to humans. The will is missing to them. (V. Hugo / woko) |
205. Which is not eternal, is not real also. (M. de Unamuno / woko) |
206. The future is the excuse all that one, which does not want to do anything in the present. (A. Ayckbourn / woko) |
207. If a linkage between man and woman should be really interesting, it must interconnect to benefit, memory and longing. (S. Chamfort / woko) present, past, future? |
208. For free humans threats are ineffective. (Cicero / woko) |
209. The act is all, nothing the fame. (Goethe / woko) |
210. The confidence, which we have to us even, causes the major part of the confidence, which we set into others. (La Rochefoucauld / woko) |
applies also to love? |
211. If each humans suspected, of like many he checks up becomes! (E. Canetti / woko) |
212. One must live with its enemies, since one cannot have everyone to the friend. (A. de Tocqueville / woko) which one must do, should one try gladly to do? |
213. The worst all error is to be conscious no such. (Th. Carlysle / woko) |
214. the attempt to carry out the sky on ground connection always produced hell. (K. Popper / woko) |
215. The Glaeubige, which never doubted, becomes hardly a Zweifler bekehren. (M. v. Ebner-Eschenbach / woko) |
216. A master of the Beredsamkeit is that, the all necessary one says and only this. (La Rochefoucauld / woko) |
217. There are humans, who dress also internal, as it heischt the mode. (B. Auerbach / woko) |
218. Nobody is free, which is not over itself gentleman. (M. Claudius / woko) |
219. Obligation is what one does not expect from others - what one does. (O. Wilde / woko) |
220. Idealism is the ability to see humans in such a way how they could be, if they like that were not, as they are. (C Goetz / woko) |
221. It is beautiful to meet the eyes of that to which one just gave something. (La Bruyere/woko) |
222. Everyone has stupid thoughts - only to the way conceals is. (W. Busch/woko) |
223. Humans are more similar their time than their fathers. (H. L Fleischer/woko) |
224. Is stupid, who does not notice it. (CH Tschopp/woko) |
225. The progress is not a branch, but going. (A. France/woko) |
226. History is to weight not the memory, but illuminate the understanding. (Lessing/woko) against swotting years |
227. Moralists are to be interfered humans, who refuse themselves against each pleasure, except that one, into the pleasure of other humans. (B. Russell/woko) |
228. The heading is that part of our body, which stands to us most frequently in the way. (G. Laub/woko) |
229. The secret of the unfortunate unity lies above it in thinking whether one is lucky or not. (G. B. Shaw/woko) |
230. If there were only the reason and no passion were, mankind already for a long time become extinct. (H. Miller/woko) or: Who only points is, a sad life leads. (Voltaire) |
231. Nor between either and or some Straesslein leads. (Scheffel/woko) against black and white thinking, property or bad thinking; Friend-or-enemy-thinks |
232. Faith is certainty without proof. (H.-F. Amiel/woko) |
233. One cannot overhaul anybody, if one steps into its Fussstapfen. (F. Truffaut/woko) |
234. In the liberty there are restrictions, but no boundaries. (Ll. George/woko) |
235. The world is filled with so many things that we should be lucky like kings. (R.L.Stevenson/woko) |
236. From two evils select none. (Ch.H.Spurgeon/woko) |
237. Nothing is inevitable, before it did not occur. (G.Mann/woko) |
238. It is better to discuss a problem to decide without deciding it, than it without it to have discussed. (J.Joubert/woko) rather the " German method " seems to be; and additionally: It gives to be met decisions, those fast must |
239. The more largely the state, the smaller the individuals, who educate it. (G. Kaiser/woko) |
240. The future is always an adventure. (A.Huxley/woko) |
241. Where a will is, also a way (?/woko) is basis of positive thinking |
242. It became unpopular to place itself clearly on a page because you lose the others thereby. (H.Lauterbach/woko) |
243. In the policy it does not concern at all to be right to keep but right. (K.Adenauer/woko) |
244. One is to balance and not count the voices. (F. Schiller/woko) |
quality before quantity or: See exactly, who Hurra walk |
245. Modification, is it by duration to be, must in small steps to be concerned. (H.G.Lerner/woko) |
evolution instead of revolution |
246. One must do to its body of property, so that the soul has desire to live in it. (W.Churchill/woko) |
247. Each fear of something is the secret desire for it. (TV;woko) |
fear = negative wish |